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We are located in beautiful South Temecula off of the main road Temecula Parkway (79 South). Located right next door to The Bike Shop.  We have a top-of-the-line 4000 square foot facility with a friendly community of athletes! This is a place you will call your second home. Come visit and see for yourself!


What is DRIVEN?


DRIVEN Strength and Conditioning programming has the best programming in the valley! Combine that with suprerior technique-focused coaching and a community of motivating, like-minded's a sure recipe for results! DRIVEN is more than a fitness program. While it is paralleled in helping people gain strength, flexibility, mobility, cardio-respiratory fitness, while shedding bodyfat, it is also a program that prepares you for life...aDRIVENlife.


To get started at Driven, just come on in! Or CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!

What We Offer


Focus on different energy pathways, different modal domains, different planes of motion each day to make your fitness well-rounded. DRIVEN's programming is a constant challenge that will keep you engaged in your fitness and help you reach goals you didn't even know you would dream of having.


Access to use the gym at your convenience outside of class hours. In attempt to encourage health an wellness and eliminate the excuse of "no time"...we have made some for you! Follow the programming, do access work, stretch, make up your own workouts; whatever your heart safely desires. SEE OPEN GYM RULES.


Do you want to get strong and fast, move technically sound, reduce the risk of injury, learn to stabilize, learn to lift heavier weights, or want to lift lighter weights to perfection? Olympic lifting is the way to go. You may have never touched a barbell, or you may be an experienced mover looking to make big gains in small numbers. Most collegiate and professional sports that demand speed and strength rely on Olympic lifting to get there. There are so many reasons to lift; you will find yours!


The non-barbell option is for those that choose, for whatever reason, not to use a barbell for strength and conditioning movements - there's always options! Long, slow distance is OUT! High intensity interval training and posterior/midline strength is the new way to train when it comes to endurance. We will show you how to increase your speed and stamina while reducing your risk of injury. This strategically designed program will make you faster, quicker and stronger using safe and secure movements. 


One-on-one (up to four person group) personal training sessions available. Contact to discuss specific goals, times, and needs. DRIVEN gym membership included. Based on availability. Inquire for rates.


Many of our athletes, self-proclaimed runners and those that prefer to never run, get together throughout the year to train and prepare for various events. We sent 6 teams the last Ragnar race, over 75 Spartan races have been run in the past year. With the support of a network around you; it is easy to step outside that comfort zone, or be pushed to beat that last race time.



Experts say that 70% of the plan when it comes to changing body composition lies right here. Meet with functional nutritionist, Brittany Marvin, to discuss your goals, a plan to achieve them, and the accountability you need! Call for details!


While strength and fitness is important at every age; it needs to be age-appropriate! There is a right way and a wrong way - let us help set your kids up with the foundation of strength and functional movement to help them in their overall health, optimize their performance in sports and set them up properly as they hit the most important stage of development.


It's cool to be strong and "jacked"; let us help your child get there with proper technique that will yield the optimal results. There is minimal cardio in this class, it is in an attempt to target those kids that want to lift in the gym, but need to learn proper movements. All sports programs contain a strength component - if your high schooler plays any sport without strength, let us help make them the best athlete that they can possibly be.


DRIVEN is the proud strength and conditioning provider for many sports groups throughout Temecula. All developing athletes need a strength program to supplement their sport, mitigate injury and excels them past the competition. This program prepares young players for collegiate level athletes in a team based environment. Contact us for more specifics.

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